It’s been 37 days since I last worked on anyone in my office. I love doing remote healing sessions, but I miss the physical connections, I miss touching people, I miss my orchids beaming their own form of healing energy from my office window sill…
We are all missing things, in this strange time, and we all need support. The isolation, disruption of our routines, economic stress and devastation, the fear and anxiety of getting sick, losing our livelihoods, or losing someone dear to us blend with the collective trauma of what is happening to our world. Many people seem surprised by how un-moored they feel. It’s more than just not knowing what day it is, it’s a greater disorientation from how dramatically life has changed and how quickly and unexpectedly it happened. How, even when we see other people, we can’t see their faces, their smiles through their masks… How we have to constantly monitor how far away we are, stifle the impulse to hug a friend, the wave of fear at regular, simple tasks like getting groceries or mail. How can we not miss the things that have been our anchors? How can we not feel the effects in our bodies, our hearts, our spirits?
As a holistic healthcare practitioner, as a healing guide and coach, I consider it an honor to help you find balance and grounding and centering in these wobbly and challenging times. To find the peace that lies deep within your heart, the unexpected gifts of this pandemic enforced time out, the groundedness and safety of living in your body.
May we all stay safe and healthy and connected to one another.
with love and support,