Years ago, I was privileged to interview Marci Shimoff, author of “Happy for No Reason” for my teleseminar Profound Paths to Health, Healing and Happiness. We had a wonderful conversation about happiness as a state of being, not an emotion that comes and goes. Her concept of being happy for no reason makes me think of our relationship to the sun. The sun is always shining, even though when clouds pass in front of it, we tend to feel that it is gone… When our emotional states shifts, when we become sad or worried or scared, we think we are unhappy. But aren’t these “unhappy” emotions just passing clouds? Can we learn to allow happiness to be our essential state of being?
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Imagery, meditation and the inner dog…
What do imagery and meditation have to do with dogs? I share my home and my office with 2 wonderful large dogs, who as I write this are lying in front of the woodstove, basking in the warmth and feeling safe and content. But I also have an inner dog, who lives deep in my brain, in that ancient mysterious part of the nervous system that we humans share with all mammals.
My inner dog has a lot in common with my two relaxed friends; it is protective of me and it wants me to be safe and happy. It can go from tail-wagging pleasure to a growl in a nanosecond. And it can’t tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined – whether a dangerous intruder is ringing my doorbell, or the ring is happening in the movie playing on my TV.
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